Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Am I jinxing myself on this blog !

Yes that's true. Every time I report a loss out here, I find that some weight secretly creeps right back up. And then when I think that my running is in top form I develop shin splits and severe unprecedented joint pains that have kept me off running and the topping to cake is how I proudly announced that I renewed my gym membership and have almost not gone to the gym since then barring 2-3 times a week!
Well I don't mean to really blame blogging, because it has mostly kept me motivated, accountable and responsible about weight loss. But what I mean to focus on is that I have started severely slacking on the exercise front. Chittu has also been home for the last one and half months (as in no school for him) so I take the liberty of waking up a little later than on school days, blaming not going to the gym/ running on my painful joints/not feeling motivated to exercise because I am not losing anyway/a sort of mental mess I drove myself into during April, throw my hands up in the air, forget about the fun I had with Jillian Micheals and basically just become this lazy person because you only get fit in the gym and thin in the kitchen. So a cup of green tea for me please?
No seriously.  I guess I have called the bluff out on this one this time. Regular 5-6 days a week of working out should be back soon because exercise really clears the fog out of my mind. Honestly nothing like a run for mental therapy, but I really don't want those painful shin splits return:) I am not going into body pump again because the timing really is hard on me and I miss out on crucial Chittu time. But yes I'll go back to doing some cardio mixed with strength training!
Just to end on a positive note : All the time I missed from the gym and put into Chittu has been rewarding. I had felt that he had grown almost too fond of Maami and simply did not want me around. He now comes running to me when I go back from work, asks for me first thing in the mornings, lets me cuddle him and basically given me so many good moments that are priceless! That said my alarm will strat going of at 5.15 once again starting tomorrow morning.

How are your workouts going everybody???


  1. hahhah i can relate to the jinxing part. 2 days with all the paper works sleeping at 2 am in the morning and missing the exercise part. But is it to blame on the blog post or the phase my life is in :-)... just waiting for everything to settle, I miss having a routine ... said that time for me to go for lunch before the prince gets up... happy to know Chittus love for mom...Indeed its priceless...

    1. Yes I know having a toddler at home itself does not permit you to have a routine. Add to it your new situation and you are presented with a challenge. Take it as a challenge. Stay as active as you can and watch the food - you will continue to see greta results!!!

  2. I've been in the same boat due to other reasons, will be starting soon though.

    1. heres wishing you a quick, fresh and successful start, Sheetal!


Yes. I Know you are thinking something. Please say it! Every word keeps me going!