Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Kaveri Trail Half Marathon Finisher!

hey guys!!!

Zillions of apologies from me!

I've been grappling with tons of things lately- a new job (but that's a different post all together), a home still under renovation and the challenges  of managing a home (away from home) and a job in all in glory.

But the point of this post is - that I FINISHED the Kaveri Trail Half Marathon in 3:16:22.  That's 21.1 kms in a  timing I am kind of embarrassed about - because I walked much more than  I intended to, did not feel I was in the running zone at any point of time during the run, felt wayyy too fat! And basically did not even feel like a runner when I ran!!

Despite all the above, I still finished the race on Sunday, with minimal/ no injury except painful knees.

I want to do a full race recap and resume blogging very soon. That's a promise. What have you guys been upto?


  1. many congratulations, Sugar! I was wondering where you disappeared. Great to hear that all is super well! Looking forward to regular blogging. :)

  2. Wow.. Congrats Sugar! Way to go.. Finishing the half marathon matters. There are thousands of us who can't even dream of trying :D

  3. Wow! Congratulations Sugar! :-)
    I had begun to miss ur posts; was glad to this one!
    And yes, congrats on ur new job! :-)

  4. Wow that's really awesome Sugar!!! Congrats on half-marathon and new job!! hope to the pics soon!!


Yes. I Know you are thinking something. Please say it! Every word keeps me going!