Monday, June 27, 2016

The Frustration

Often, when one goes on a new exercise program or diet, one expects to lose weight fast. But even though I did in the past lose a lot of weight, I never got to a happy place. My weight loss efforts have yielded slow results. Even after Chittu I lost 25 kg over more than 3 years. This time I have lost about 10 kgs, since my highest post partum weight with the Princess. But I feel I have been on the weight loss mission ever since the day I delivered the Princess. As a result of my weight loss efforts I often get injured -my knees and hips bearing the brunt of the pain. Also I did fracture my little toe once and left me off exercise for about 4 weeks. But that apart, I feel like I have watched my food and eaten healthy for a long time now. As a family we don't eat junk food like chips and fries and aerated drinks and limit our intake of processed carbs. We do lead a healthy lifestyle. And while this has not exactly translated into stellar weight loss over the last 2 years, I think that choosing to be healthy is an achievement in itself.

Be that as it may, still seeing the same number on the scale frustrates me. I get frantic, often ill tempered and irritable. There are days I cry. I go through old pictures to see if I look any better or wear old clothes to see if they fit better, often with no luck. Then I think I should crash diet or go back to the gym. While going back to the gym is a necessity, crash dieting is not an option. I need to soon figure out how I can spare one and a half hours in the morning at the gym, without affecting my other deliverable such as packing Chittu's lunch or getting him a wholesome breakfast. A cook will not work for me. But yes I need to figure it out.

In the meanwhile, I will still be tracking my food and try to get a bit more strict with Kayla's BBG program. Its a 12 week program and I am on week 7 already, with visible improvement in strength but no change in my body stats. I love her workout and her way of eating is also totally doable. So despite my not so impressive results so far, I am going to get back at this weight loss business seriously. Re-dedicate yourself to it and get it done. I really wish I could be one of those who lose 30 kg in a year and stuff. My body has never co-operated that way till date. But a girl can always wish right?

I will write again. Till then, any suggestions to speed up my weight loss?


  1. I checked your pics on Instagram and trust me you look good. I am struggling with clean eating and struggling a lot. It hurts to see my daughters going down the junk food path at 20 months. But I am doing nohting about it. You should be proud Sugar. You are setting a good example. Ditch the scales. For now, I would give anything to do what you are doing. While I was trying to lose weight, I was always happy no matter how much I weighed coz I was doing things right. Eating clean and exercising. Its not about weighing less or looking good but feeling good. And Chittu and the Princess would be proud of you for giving them a healthy lifestyle. You will get there. Dont be too hard on yourself.

    1. Thanks Smitha. Yes surely hope there's something worthwhile about all this :)

  2. Agree with Smitha above. You don't look anything like the three letter word 'fat' on your insta pics. Your metabolism could have changed after the princess too.

    I haven't got kids yet but it's so hard for me to lose weight. After some 10 sessions of PT when I was about to give up, I started to eat small dinners (I'm vegetarian too!) and then the weight start to drop off after some 4 months. I'm sure you've heard of Rujutha Diwekar. You might want to follow her tips too as it's very wholesome and you don't feel like you are cooking a separate meal for yourself as all the suggested meals are very wholesome (mostly vegetarian too)

    1. yes. I think I have no metabolism left now :) dead slow it is. I will read Rujuta's book soon.

  3. I too get frantic and that makes me irritable with my own self. But somehow these days, I have learnt that not having everything right is also OK. That said, I am not giving up... just going (way too) slow :)

    1. Great attitude to have. Yes one day at a time and we'll get there.

  4. Don't worry I am in the same boat as you , all we need to do is to be calm and focus. Good luck. I would love to follow u in instagram , let me know your id.

    take care

  5. I love your spirit and the way you work so hard, its so commendable that you have been able to stick for so long. Currently I am in a state of boredom. I just dont feel like exercising!
    Just eat clean and sooner or later the results will show :)
    Are you on Instagram, do let me know your Insta name will add you :) Am runeergirlinthekitchen on Insta


Yes. I Know you are thinking something. Please say it! Every word keeps me going!