Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Updates galore!

I have not done a proper post in really really long. I've got many updates, so here goes:

  • the toddler started school just over a week ago. He has warmed up pretty well, but cries only if Maami drops him at School. He is totally fine if I drop him,but when Maami goes, he insists that she should go with him inside the class, even though he does his own thing in there!
  • That means that I get to office earlier than usual, and go back home to drop him in school. I take an auto to the School and walk back to office. Horray for added exercise!!!
  • Being sick for the Chennai marathon was a complete bummer. But I guess it was wise choice to stay back and not travel because I did get pretty sick on Sunday. I was wheezing like a whistle and was getting winded walking inside the house!
  • I am still recovering from the wheezing attack and can't admit to feeling 100% fine!
  • The good part about being that sick was that the only thing I wanted to eat/drink is hot water or light chai. The task of chewing food left me gasping like I had trekked a mountain.
  • I am finding it a little easier to stay within the 1500 calorie range. Less exercise sure makes me less hungry :)
  • I ran to body pump today and walked back. I am thinking of continuing this streak the whole of December!
  • I am reading a book called "The valley of masks" by Tarun Tejpal. For the first 30-40 pages I could not decide whether I liked it or not. But now I've decided I like the book. Lots of good, quality reading up my sleeve :)
  • How are the guys on the challenge doing? I am curious to know!Right now, I'm focussing on getting 100% alright, before I push myself to exercise.



  1. Chittu is cute. My daughter does the opposite, only cries when I drop her. hehe.
    You are so lucky to stay so close to where you work and its great that you have managed to squeeze in some exercise.
    My challenge is going ok, posting an update soon.

    1. :) we moved just after I resumed work, post-baby. Yes it is a blessing and I am thankful for it!
      good to know you are doing alright!

  2. Wow! Chittu started School! Please give him my best wishes! :-)
    Challenge is ok going till a day or two before... Just fell from stairs the day before yesterday n I'm hurt all over... So, recoveri ng myself to the T is my current challenge... :-)

    1. :) many thanks for the wishes :)

      oh my!!!a fall sounds pretty bad. And you something of this sort happens each time we get all fired up and decide that this time I am going to accomplish this!

      get well soon and take care!


Yes. I Know you are thinking something. Please say it! Every word keeps me going!