Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The week end and a few other things

We went to the National Handicraft Exhibition the last week end - the Scientist and I. We are rather co-ordinated on this sort of things - handicraft, tribal art, sculpture, paintings- you get the drift, which may precisely be why that after two years of marriage, we have an amount in savings that is not even worth mentioning. But, well, lets not spoil things, now that we went there. After priding and reveling in how much colour and fine fancy our country had to offer, we did some great shopping, consisting of some paintings and wall hangings which we will use to adorn our dream home (sigh!! when will that happen?). Just in case the guilt worm caught up with us, we insisted that our shopping shall predominantly comprise of bright colours, which will delight little Chittu. (May be the pictures will come up later). Right now however, our pieces of art are all wrapped in newspaper, concealing what lies beneath. So every time I glance at them, I slip dreamily into my imagination of how beautifully  my home will be done up. That's a long way to go I know, because I have, after two years of marriage, not been able to get the Scientist to drive a single nail into the walls of our now, rented home. 


I'm beginning to love this - the sitting at home thing. But considering I have not yet gone back home after the baby's birth, I wonder how well I will manage. Even worse, what do I plan to do come June 1, 2011, on which date I hope to go back to work?


Ok. I was fat before the baby. And baby birth has certainly not contributed to weight loss. Although I spend 45 (aha!!! you read it right fortttttty fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive) sweaty minutes on the elliptical, the oodles, doodles and masses of lard refuse to go. And oh! must I mention the cheesy-creamy-yummmmy au gratin that I shoved down my digestive system over dinner with the Scientist this week end? But damn the calories!!After all, I get the rare romantic moment on even rarer week ends when we are not fighting.


Baby calling. I'm off. 

How was your week end? Leave me a line.

1 comment:

  1. I am at home for a month after a long time.(took a month leave to prepare for CAT) Well unlike the other days which are spent mugging , this weekend I went on a long drive all alone.


Yes. I Know you are thinking something. Please say it! Every word keeps me going!