Saturday, August 25, 2012

Week 2 - Sea World San Diego and Off on a week long trip!

Since we are travelling with the toddler, many a time we find ourselves obliged to entertain the little guy a bit too. Thats how we took the suggestion that we visit the Sea World at San Diego in our stride and actually drove 120 miles there.

Since San Diego is really close to the Sea the weather, though sunny was pleasant and we were permitted much fun! We started with food first since we were mighty hungry when we reached. There were too few vegetarian choices and even those were not too good! The toddler hardly ate and I had to tell my self those giant slices of cakes and pastries were not as tasty as they looked!

We then headed for a whale show. I initially thought those were dolphins and realised they were whales only after I saw the dolphin show! Does that make sense? Anyhow, needless to say the show was spectacular for being a whale show. Like how would you get a 40 ton mammal to adhere to your instructions, even if you fed him all the fish in the pacific? I have serious trouble with a 2+ aged toddler who weighs 16 kilograms! Anyhow, then there was a dolphin show which was even more spectacular, for all the stunts they got them to do, including the whistles. We went on some baby rides, for the sake of the toddler who had not yet gotten over the shock of seeing a huge animal emerge from the water and go back splashing in! What he really though was an under water acquarium where the fishies kept coming near the glass and he was pretty awed! We saw some sea otters, walruses , penguins and even a polar bear who was snoozing. We also watched a pet show which consisted of some entertaining stunts by cats, dogs, a pig, birds, an ostrich and other animals. Chittu enjoyed that without being too overwhelmed by the sounds or sights!

For the grand finale we did a ride on the cable car which gave a good view of the bay. Yours truly posing :

We then headed back home for a home cooked meal after chomping on the south indian murukkus I had carried with me from Bangalore. Although there were many souvenier shops at sea world, the pricing did not motivate me enough to buy anything. Chittu threw a tantrum though, and got a toy container truck, which keeps him quiet occupied.

That was a superb weekend, and just the beginning. On tuesday morning we took the flightto Buffalo to see the beautiful and bountiful Niagra, then  on to New York City and then to Atlanta to visit some family :) without which a trip is never complete! More on that soon!


  1. Hi Sugar :) I love your blog :) Have been silently reading but finally am commenting to tell you that you are so pretty and chittu is soo cute:) Hope u have an awesome time in USA

    1. thanks for delurking and the wonderful compliments!


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