Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A body pump class, foiled birthday plans and a chatty post!!

Well after planning on taking a body pump class for many many days, I finally got around to it yesterday. The instructor was great and combined body pump with pilates on popular demand. Result : I discovered the joy of walking-belly- on-pilates-ball (which I could not really do too well, and kept bumping off the ball!). But I also broke the barrier of being scared to do something that adventurous (for lack of a better word). I kept fearing that I was going to either burst the ball under my massive weight or have a bad fall and hurt myself. However, I put up my valiant best and attempted something that was about 50% of the expected move.
Lifting weights after so long has made my legs sore. I really feel the pain as I sit and rise from my chair at work and the staircase feels like its best avoided right now. For all the pains that come to me after exercising and running and lifting as if there is no tomorrow, my bottle of volini spray finds a more rightful than does the body spray I got myself from bath & body works.
That said, I did make something like a birthday plan for the kindly Scientist. The same was however not too enthusiastically received as it involved him waking up at 5 a.m. heading to Sankey Tank for a fun 5k run ( as I called it) and having breakfast consisting of idlis and the delectable chow-chow-bhath at Veena stores. I presumed the prospect of spending quality time on a birthday morning to be with me, followed by my simple yet thoughtful plan of breakfast will be a total hit. But lets just say the Scientist preferred to  stay in bed until after I headed out alone for my not-so-fun-5k-run and spent the morning reading his usual hard to understand sci-tech news.
Anyway, I still tried to be a sport even though my plan for him was totally foiled and tried to cook a yummy lunch to pack for his dabba. It seemed like the food was taking my side and nothing I cooked turned out even as good as I prepare on non-special days. And my run this morning turned into a 2k run-then walk-run-walk-run until I finished. I just did not seem to be able to do it today! Somedays things don't go as I expect and it kinda slows me down until I realise that the granola bar I just ate is not as "healthy" as I hope it is and that I am eating or craving food just mindlessly. Once realised, blog, eat, run repeat!


  1. blog,eat,run..keep up and you will get there for sure. Also, your "run-then walk-run-walk-run" could be classified as interval training, which as you prolly know already is good for our bodies:-) My journey seems like half step forward and 3 steps back! But giving up? not yet:-))

    1. thats a good attitude.. just.keep.chugging along.

      hopefully i should make it out of the seventies. Lets see!!


Yes. I Know you are thinking something. Please say it! Every word keeps me going!