Monday, October 28, 2013

On whats kept me busy

Now that my life has more indications of some kind of sanity, I figured this would be a good time to pop in, say hi and find out if anyone stills reads this space :)

Basically, my life has been defined by the word "change" these last two months. I quit a plum PSU job to join an NGO and further my desire of contributing something back to the society I took from :).  I am still grappling with the realities of the decision and while I cannot say that all is perfect, I certainly do not regret my decision.

Meanwhile we also got our home renovated and moved in to a new home. Its a good feeling to have got this thing done with by this age in life. But our financial status has become so precarious, that we are having some stressful times on that front. 

New home meant a new school for Chittu. And that means new routines and new needs. Settling into it all was also quite a process. To add to the mess, Maami- my full time house help went down with some sort of Pox and was off for nearly two months. Though it was a great relief to not have her in our face ALL the time, it was difficult for us to manage a newly constructed house with the dust still settling, a million house works pending, a toddler and our respective jobs. I have to admit, that with her return, things have got much more saner!!!

In the midst of this madness, I ran the Kaveri Half. I still cannot believe I did it.But at another level I feel like a faker, because I walked so much of the course, I feel like I hardly ran. Still at the sight of the finish line, I was grateful that it was finally over. I felt like I had pushed to my maximum ability and my legs and feet were begging for mercy!!! At one point of time during the course, I promised myself that I'd never embark on such lofty targets ever again!!! Funny that I am waiting for the Auroville registrations to open, to register for the half :) Running does amazing things to the body and mind.

Between the Kaveri Trail till today, I have run only thrice, done some kind of yoga some days, but have mostly stayed off the gym. I am yet to shift my membership to the gym closer home. However, as if to compensate, work got so hectic that I have not had the time to think of food even though I was hungry. No complaints there cos I do love my work that much! On the food side, I have tried my best to be mindful. Our poor financial status also means no more(far lesser) restaurant meals and a LOT of house work!

In the shifting process, I may have damaged my weighing scale. May be I should buy new batteries to verify. People seeing me after long have told me that I have lost a lot of weight. My clothes however fit the same and I'm hoping that no exercise after heavy duty half marathon training has not resulted in tipping the scales yet again.

Proper exercise resumed yesterday with a 5.5k run in my new neighbourhood and a Jillian Micheals yoga workout this morning. Whats up with you guys, I hardly see any updates???


  1. Sugar! Yes, I DO read this space! It would be a lie if I said that I didn't miss u! :-) Was so happy to see ur post, up on my reading list today :-)

    So many changes indeed; Congratulations on ur new home n job! :-)

    1. oh my!! Thanks so much...thats why I love blogging :)

      will bring regular updates :)

  2. That was more than a month and you were definitely missed. Congratulations on the new job and new home. Wishing you loads of happiness in the years to come. Just curious...which part of B'lore did you move to? How is Chittu liking the new place?

    1. :) thanks Smita, this feels like a warm bear hug...

      We've moved near indiranagar.. Chittu is loving it so far though he misses his old friends..

  3. I was wondering where you had gone , I did miss you - Congratulations on the new house and job :-)

  4. Welcome back Sugar! I missed you! and congrats on your new home and job!

    1. thank you Sheetal... I missed your posts too :) glad to see you have recommitted.

  5. Congrats on the new job, new house. How is Chittu doing ?


Yes. I Know you are thinking something. Please say it! Every word keeps me going!