Monday, November 25, 2013

T-12 weeks Auroville Training & some weight loss thoughts

Hey guys!!!

I was so not ready for the week to begin last night. But when I woke up at 4.50 a.m. ten minutes before my alarm was set to go off, I felt good and recharged. I quickly finished my workout - Jillian Michaels - 30DS- Level 2 before the Husband and toddler kid woke up. This is my fifth consecutive day of working out. Half marathon training has officially begun!

It happened sometime last week. Once I registered for the Auroville half, I knew I had to get serious. A half marathon is no easy task. Completing 21.1k on the feet is quite painful literally. And I want the second time to feel better than the first.

So a quick recap of Auroville Half Training - T-12 weeks

Thursday - 21/11 - 5k run
Friday -22/11 - JM- No more trouble zone
Saturday -23/11 - 6 week 6 pack lvl 1

Ofcourse, the first half of the week passed without any real workout, and thats how I panicked once I officially signed up for the race.

In fact I also did a long run on Sunday and worked out today. With my new schedule, I find very little time in the mornings to hit the gym. Chittu time has become limited right now, and I don't want to further eat into it at any cost. So for now, I am optimising using a combination of home workouts for strength training and running.

Another important thing I noticed that I seem to lose weight when I am not exactly obsessing over the weighing scale. I guess the fact that I know I have not gained weight, pushes me to to eat more rather than the fear of gaining when I am not regularly weighing myself. I do have a few more kilos to go before I reach the magical 60s. But yes certainly, I want to reach that zone soon.Just I have a bad feeling its going to take me REALLY long to get there.

Whats up at your end?


  1. You are bang on about the weight loss thing...I think that's what I do too, just couldn't put my finger on it.
    All the best with the marathon training.

    1. :) thanks Prachi!! the constant fear of am I gaining is a good for me... i guess i should stop weighing daily!

  2. I think combining JM with your marathon training will surely help you to build you stamina.. All the best for your keep us motivated!!

    1. yes thats what I am aiming for too :)thankyou!

  3. So true abt the weight loss!
    All the very best with ur training :-)

  4. It sort of is the opposite for me regarding the weight loss.. Once I begin losing weight, I become very focused. But if I slip once, I tend to ignore and eat more :(
    Anyways, good luck for your training!

    1. hmm something I did for very very long too.By now I have become far more conscious about my food choice, and I know one slip up is certainly better than many :) Still, I stop losing weight and stabilise at a particular weight merely because of my complacency :)

  5. I love JM...good luck with your half marathon training :)


Yes. I Know you are thinking something. Please say it! Every word keeps me going!