Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Midweek update

O.K. So where were we? Yes laying out my clothes for the Monday work out. Well, it turned out I did not work out on Monday or Tuesday because of the monthly cycle. I did not feel up to working out both days, though I waited until the morning to decide if I felt like it or not. So, I hit the gym this morning with a new found vengeance. Today was strength training day - lower body & legs! I returned home feeling great with quivering thighs.

Remember the time I bought a box of Getrim? Well, its finally over now. And I replaced it with a box of ProtineX, since I'm doing strength training and all. 

My experience with soya milk, has not been good so far. I tried it earlier on in my weight loss process, probably early 2011. I found I was not losing weight when I had soya milk. Hence I stopped. However, I continue using soya flour in my Chappati dough and make a curry out of Soya nuggies ocassionally. Its not a daily affair though! 

I made a smoothie using - milk, curd, a banana, strawberries, few black grapes and Proteinex for an evening snack after work today. Review coming up soon :) with recipe & picture!!

Honestly, I've got a lot to say, but if I pour it all here in one post, it is going to be very disjoint. So I'm going to wind up. Gym clothes are ready for cardio day tomorrow :)

Somedays, like today are good - when I've eaten on plan, worked out well, cooked good food for my family, spent time with the toddler, had a decent day at work and don't feel like crashing out by 8p.m. Also, remember my goals for 2012. I have begun to make some progress on three points on that list. But that shall remain a secret until the finished stamp is marked on it!

How is your week coming along?

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a great on plan day! I worked out lower body today as well. Shaky legs, indeed!


Yes. I Know you are thinking something. Please say it! Every word keeps me going!