Monday, March 26, 2012

Facing my trouble areas!

My alarm was set to 5 a.m for this morning. Before I knew it I was cardioing my way through my work out. Yes my muscles thanked me profusely for having given them some work after a long break. I enjoy working out.

But my hard work is easily thwarted by poor eating ways. I went right back to poor eating over the vacation. I polished off more than half the anniversary cake and found myself fighting far too hard to stay away from the dessert section at the buffet. Although we did stay away from the buffet itself most meals, the cake and the carbohydrate overdose won over my will power and I conceded to gaining 1.5 kgs in 4 days. During my stay at Chennai, however, I behaved impeccably and food was just fuel.

Much damage was also done in the Saturday evening and Sunday following our return. Pizza, burgers and icecream was not refused. Vegetable and fruit supply was low. Banana Chips were singing lilting romances to my name.

Food wise, today was not bad. But not as good as it was immediately before the vacation. I don't believe I was stupid enough to squander away my hard work!I was craving sugar as I began typing out this post. But writing this down has  lifted the fog from my mind. My goal is clear once again. And I vow to do all it takes to win this battle against food!

I have logged back into my food and weight journal. And I'm off to lay work out clothes for tomorrow morning. Afterall, what matters is not those few days I mess up. But how fast, I can get up, dust my butt and get it going in the right direction!

Right guys?


  1. With this great spirit of yours, I'm sure you will make it :-)

    1. thanks. Its the encouragement like this that helps to keep me going :)

  2. 1-2 kgs is a temporary weight and will easily go if you keep on practicing.

    1. I hope so Abhinav:) but I find that food easily overpowers me :(

  3. Missed you on blogger. You have come a long way sugar and I am sure you will tackle your way ahead with ease. All the very best to you.



    1. Oh Shiva :) you are a complete darling! Thanks for supporting the blog :)

  4. That could be just water weight! It'll disappear in a week

    1. No baby! no water weight there! Just the cream from the anniv cake :)


Yes. I Know you are thinking something. Please say it! Every word keeps me going!