Thursday, March 15, 2012

Running? Me?

Ever since I started running, which itself was a few months ago, I found it liberating and empowering. Then I saw this post on an upcoming 10 k in Bangalore from a fellow weight loss blogger. I first thought – oh no! Not me. I don’t run. I mean, I'm fat. And overweight. I don’t run. Am I even allowed to run? I had a horrific imagination of a overweight, and therefore ugly woman run. And everyone looking at her laughs, “How can she think of running?” I realized I was yet again building a barrier in my mind. It had to be shackled. So, I made tiny little steps and did a full 5k on thetreadmill at my gym on Sunday. I cruised through. I maintained the same speed for about 45 minutes. Good, no?

Yesterday, I googled, “Running events in Bangalore” and found this: RUNNERS FOR LIFE. I signed up. Yes. I am going to give a shot at it. Yes, I am wary of injury. Yes, it is a huge leap from my naturally introverted nature. But, why not give it a try? For the sake of the endorphins I am pumped up with after the run, atleast.


  1. running is a liberating activity.I can help you in that and for running a 10k , a 5k practice is enough.I would like to know your timing for the 5k so that i can help you.

    1. thanks Abhinav. I was also thinking of mailing you privately asking for your your help.

      It took me about 45 mins for the 5 k. I ran at 6.5 km p.h after warming up. I kept up the speed the whole time. Did not need to stop for a water break!

  2. Ya send me a mail privately we can talk on the thread, basic rule is running half the distance you intend to run at the race.Since it was your first 5k, it is fine achieve a target of doing the same at 7.5 km p.h.

  3. Dear Sugar,

    All the very best to you. I could never get myself to run for 45 minutes. Running for 45 minutes is awesome. Good work in building your stamina.

    Lots of love


    1. Dear Shiva, Thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate it. I used to be a dancer. Bharatanatyam. Hence my stamina is pretty decent :)My greatest motivation to lose weight, is to get back to dancing!


Yes. I Know you are thinking something. Please say it! Every word keeps me going!