Wednesday, July 30, 2014

On why I went missing

Hi guys!

It's been a long long break. In early December 2013, I felt queasy and nauseous and so so exhausted. I found out I was pregnant, while I was training in full swing for the Auroville half marathon. I weighed 73-74 kilos then.

I did share the news with those of you who reached out to me inquiring about my absence. I delivered  a baby girl more than 6 weeks pre mature via emergency c-section exactly two weeks ago. I was terrified and prayed that the baby would be alive. My weight was around 86 kg.

Losing this pregnancy weight is not on top of my mind right now. But I will focus on no post patina weight gain and my baby improvement and growth.

I look forward to resuming blogging soon. How are you guys doing? Updates please, I've missed this space.


  1. OMG!! Congrats- I swear to God---I was thinking of emailing you today to ask how the pregnancy was coming along! I hope the baby is doing better! Can't wait to read your post!

    1. Thanks sheetal.. Good to know you are back on track too :)

  2. Congratulations Sugar!!!
    Pls convey my wishes to the husband and love to Chittu n the new born!
    Take care Sugar..... :-))

  3. wow!!! Congrats :) Take Care of yourself!

  4. What exciting news - big congratulations!!!

  5. wow Sugar! thats great news, I always kept popping in to check for new posts! Please take care and lots of love to the baby girl :D

    1. Yes :) I am nervous about curbing postpartum weight gain and losing the pregnancy weight

  6. Congratulations!! Take care n lots rest. We must meet one day at the start line of a marathon :))
    Luv to the baby girl!

    1. Thanks! I am shooting for the Kaveri half next year :)

  7. Hi Sugar, My heartfelt wishes to you and god bless the little cutie :) Do take good rest and recover soon!!! I am really happy for you :) Hope to see more posts from your side!! Love Sugs

  8. Dearest Sugar,

    Congratulations and lots of hugs to you. Take care of yourself and the baby. Missed you girl.

    Lots of love

    1. Hi Shiva!
      So good to see u here!
      Have missed write as when time permits... :-)

    2. Hi shiva! Thanks a ton.. I miss ur posts too :)

  9. Hello congratulations ..very good news.And so good to c a post here...take care of urself and the baby.

  10. Hi, Congratulations!! May God bless you and the new born. Take care

  11. yay!! you are back!! gosh i dont know how i missed your come back post...!!
    A big hearty congratulations first!!
    and looking forward to updates frm you too!


Yes. I Know you are thinking something. Please say it! Every word keeps me going!