Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The post where I run out of steam!

Even though I want to show off to you guys that I completed 6 weeks of half marathon training, and I know that I ought to have got the week 6 recap up and ready by now, I must admit that I've kinda run out of steam.

Ugh! Yes.

I have a sprain in my neck. I cock my head to one side and now that side is hurting pretty bad too.

I also have a terrible cold and I can't even breathe in because even a harsh breath hurts my neck and some parts of my shoulder.

Added to it, is the special gift to women by God! Really, there are seven days in a week. Out of that I exercise on 6. If out of those 6, I have to be off for 3 it makes that week a horrible work out week, no? And the chocolate cravings, the head aches and all. I know, this is a pity party and you are welcome, provided you come carrying truck loads of Reeses, because I'm in love with them and will soon run out of the US candy!!!

There were 2 highlights to this weekend - one was my 10k run, which was SO SO difficult. How am I going to run a half marathon in 6 weeks from now??? And the other was a Banana- Apple eggless pancake I made. Good stuff, I tell you :) Recipe soon!

 So that's the fun news from me! What are you guys up to?

Friday, July 26, 2013

Not on plan always!

Today I got the feeling that I usually post about how I am always ON PLAN - atleast workout wise, which is partly true. I have found it easier to stick to a workout plan than an eating plan. Like for example today's health column in the Hindu said that if you want to achieve good health, you must try to limit dessert to once a week! What??? My effort is more like I try to eliminate dessert as a meal for every meal. For example I love sweet breakfasts, I sneak in a spoon of sugar into my buttermilk, I only drink sweetened tea/ coffee. In fact I am so obsessed with sugar that I try to make healthful desserts so that I can eat them and not feel so bad about it and pretend like I am getting closer to being healthy. But heck I am far from limiting dessert to once a week!
Coming to the point of today's post. Let's blame PMS. But the fact is that I have not run this week. I missed Wednesdays run and did something else at home. Today was another run day, and I stayed home and did not even do anything else because I just got plain ol' lazy!
So even though I feel like I can stick to a workout plan, still I have my days when I just put my feet up and refuse to go out and run! So its hard - this weight loss business. And more so for those like me, who are perpetually on weight loss mode! I wish I could just be done with it and tick it off from my to-do list  or rather scratch it off with a murder like vengeance, but no mater how badly I want it at some moments of the day, I still am not steel enough to cut out the sugar & rice completely and just travel down the scale.
For those that read this space and always say nice things like how motivated I am, do know I still have dark days like today when I am so mad at myself for not getting this weight loss thing over with already!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

HalfMarathon Training- Week 5 recap

I'm in the sixth week of training for the Kaveri Trail Marathon. For those who don't know it is a trail run with the most picturesque venue for a runner. The trails travel parallel to the Kaveri River in the vicinity of the Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary. For new readers, last year I ran the 10k and decided that my first half marathon would be on the same trail! Training is coming up well, so far. As my weekday runs get longer, I need to leave the house by 6 that I can wind up and be back in time for the rest of my duties!

Quick recap:

Workouts -
  • I only did 5 out of 6 workouts this week. I missed a cross training workout on Saturday but made up by exercising on a rest day yesterday.
  • Sunday's scheduled 10k was quite good.
  • Finally I have added proper strength training - last week I did teh barre workouts which I raved about here
  • I also have dumbells at home now!!!

Food -

  • While running longer distances, or engaging in any rigorous exercise routine for that matter - food is fuel for the body's machinery. Any stupidity on that front will invariably lead to injury. So I am consciously being responsible about that. I eat lots of complex carbs, simple carbs, fruits, legumes and vegetables.
  • I am not calorie counting. But my guess is that I am not going overboard either.
  • I always have at hand (also pack to work) healthy snacks - one roti- subzi, low fat cheese slice,boiled peanuts, roasted channa, sugar free peanut butter, yogurt, fruit & cut veggies to eat as a snack (obviously not all ,but certainly 2 or more)
  • I am consciously also trying to curtail my white rice consumption
  • For those interested I drink gatorade when I go on longer runs 8k+

Weight -

  • I am holding up at around 75kgs ( I guess there is no weight gain, may be a tiny loss?)  which may be good since I can physically feel my quads, glutes and thighs getting strong.

Pain -

  • Knee pain is gone!!! Thanks to strength training and religious stretching exercises I am doing!
  • But I am feeling some lovely soreness in my arms,chest and thighs  after Jillian Micheals - No More Trouble Zones!
Overall I am feeling good and confident that I will be able to size up to running a half marathon in the coming seven weeks!

You can read:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The weekend post - rains, long run and home cooked food!

On Friday evening, it finally felt like the monsoons had arrived. The rains lashed down on the city like something had finally given way and I felt like I have seen such a downpour after long. The desire for having hot hot parathas had to be instead satiated with palak soup and rice ended with a nicce peanut butter Reeses cup.
Saturday is our dsignated home visit day when we visit our house currently under renovation. Waking up late, I postponed my workout a bit. I had wanted to do Jillian Micheals - No more trouble zones. A sandwich breakfast had, we finished up our site inspection after I did some adventurous stair climbing - with no step- only frame!!!
Back home, I had already asked Maami to cook lunch. I was too hungry to workout, plus it was also late. In addition, Sunday - was a long run day - 10 kilometres (6 miles) on tap! So I decided to take it easy. Instead, I showered and had lunch and snacked on another Reeses!!! Yikes!
To compensate for lack of exercise on Saturday I spent about 40 minutes running alongside Chittu on the cycle! See finally my running practise has physical rewards! Dinner on Sunday was a quite affair with The Scientist and my outside dinner plans foiled by a hyper Chittu who refused to sleep even though he had missed his noonly nap.
The gulit of not exercising on Saturday bothered me so much that I was up at the crack of dawn (after having checked the phone multiple times during the night)on Sunday morning ready to go on my run. I loaded up on Gatorade (I was going to run 10K) and set out with a definitive trail route in mind.
 But the rains had made the trail so slushy and slippery that I had to change my route and run on the tar  road(Boo to hurting knees). But the rains had made it all lush and green:
 Anywho, I finished up the run fairly tired and sweaty (~600 calories burned)

 and ensured to stretch on my yoga mat!!! Yay for stretching! The effect of not stretching after a workout is too obvious for me. Do you guys ensure to strectch after your workout?
I refueled with a banana-flax smoothie post run and kinda lost my apetite after that. Lunch was good home cooked food of dal- subzi-roti- though I got lazy and had rice instead!!! My siesta plans were ruined by the Scientist's ringing phone and the rest of the evening passed uneventfully, except I had more rice for dinner!!! Since my mileage is increasing, I am happily eating rice, like no ones business. I know, I know I have been telling this far too many times! Time for some serious action, baby!
 Monday morning, I started the day with Jillian Micheals - No More Trouble Zones with my newly bought dumbells, even though it was a rest day to make up for Saturday's lapse. What a good way to start the week! I'll try to share my thoughts on the workout soon! Until then, whats up you guys?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New Online Exercise Video Discovered - Pure Joy!

Yesterday was strech and strengthen day. I needed a proper workout after Sunday's long run (8k) which I did not really enjoy as much as I usually do. Today's run at a pace of 07.30 was much better.
But I digress. yesterday I did a Barre workout that I happily came across from (Just) Trying is for Little Girls. Do hop to her blog  to see how much that woman actually runs. She makes running 10 miles so easy! I think she has a goal of running a half in every state in the US :) Anyway so if she says some workout video was good, I would definitely have to try it.
And so I did!! I desperately needed a strength training video to at home with just body weight. When I first watched the video, I was like "No way am I going to be able to do this". But then Yesterday morning, I mustered up the courage, dragged a chair into my room, spread out my purple yoga mat and was dripping sweat by the time I finished!!! I was able to do ALL the moves :) though I did not have dumbells for some :) The topping to the cake was that all the tightness I had been feeling in my glutes, hammies and thighs just vanished with this video.
Its a good 40 minute long workout with cool down and so I added this workout too before I was interrupted by a wailing toddler. That was a good one to do though I wanted to do a little more even after 50 mins(unlike the Jillian Micheals videos where I am happy to reach the end). I will be definitely doing this one again. Will you try this? Leave me a line!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Half Marathon Training - Week 4 recap

Can you believe - time has flown so fast and I am already in the 5th week of half marathon training using the Hal Higdon Novice 1 Half Marathon Training Plan that I modified to suit my weekly schedules. I will be running the awesome Kaveri Trail  half-marathon distance i.e 13.1 miles a.k.a 21.1 kms (really?????)  in September this year. If I dwell too long on that distance, I might just have a panic attack, but yes unbelievable, right?
You can click here to see my training plan.. Here is last week's summary:
  • I did 6 out of 6 planned workouts. Only on Friday a 5.5k run was notched down to a 4k walk thanks to sleep deprivation & muscle fatigue cos I just could not get myself to run!
  • On the strength front I have been making small changes. I have added some body weight exercises - lunges, squats, free style exercises with the pilates ball and kettlebell.
  • Today I did a killer sequence of exercises. I will link up to that in my next post after assessing my pain level tomorrow!
  • Pump cant happen this month - the timing just does not suit me!!!
  • Unnecessary carbs - sweets, sugar, Pizza, buttermilk rice (to soothe my abused stomach) have found their way to my stomach!!!
  • I know I need to clamp down. I've said that many times last week, but it better happen soon!
  • This morning the scale showed 76.4 a gain from the 75.something I was seeing last week. Time to cut out the rice again, I guess!
  • Knee pain has returned!!! Ouch!! I better go back to knee strengthening exercises regularly!
You can read : Half Marathon Training week 3 recap here and click on the links in there to go back further and see how I progressed from running a 5k to a 10k!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Whirlwind weekend - the one with an 8k run, pizza and some super fun news!!!

Really - it feels like ages since I feel this caught up on sleep. Usually Monday mornings I wake up kind of not ready for the week ahead.
But this weekend began with a sleep in on Saturday after which the Scientist and I went to see the progress of our house. Did I tell you we're getting the old house we bought in 2011 modified and will be moving in soon! So yes now that the handing over date is fast approaching we're feeling that the progress is far too slow. I had a mini adventure going up the steps - which right now consist of mere frame - no step!
I had already packed my gym bag because I wanted to cross off Saturday's workout on this list. Also there was plenty of dinner left over from Friday night and I did not have to cook. Since we had headed out without breakfast, we hit the local "darshini" -South Indian fast food joint - where I enjoyed an idli - sambar while the Scientist got fluffy yummy pooris. I was later dropped off at the gym, where I experimented some moves with a pilates ball and kettlebells after 30 minutes on the elliptical. I reached home with my hamstrings, inner thighs and glutes thanking me for waking them up!
Post lunch, we headed out for some tile hunting and returned home amidst a drizzle. Dinner was simple and homecooked.
Sunday morning, I was up at 5.30 a.m for a designated 8k run. When I got back home and finished stretching the Scientist and toddler were still asleep. Morning rituals later, the Scientist demanded the execution of my promise - a Mac Donald's meal so that he could get Chittu the "Minians" toy series.
 I relented because I had a great run and was ready for some carbo loading!!! But breakfast at Mc Ds was not as good as I expected and I had an additional sandwich from CCD to satiate my hunger! (I had already had a pancake and coffee )
On the cards was a India Preview of the movie Turbo

It should be hitting theatres this weekend and was just AMAZING!!! I loved it! And now for the most exciting part: The Scientist's name appeared in the list of Credits!!! Yayyy!!! What joy! This was a dream come true for the Scientist!

We spent the rest of the day at home - I napped in the afternoon and headed downstairs in the evening for a good 45 minute cycling sessions with Chittu - he cycles and I run/ brisk walk behind him. Dinnerwas planned to be at home, but I was tempted to have pizza from Papa John. Have you had their breadsticks? Does it not taste divine????

Anyway after all that crazy eating, I am going back to some serious calorie cutting. I really need to get these last few kilos off if I need to run the half marathon pain free! How was your weekend guys??


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Half Marathon Training - Week 3 recap

I am now in the fourth week of half marathon training. Here are the highlights of week 3:

  • I did 5 out of 6 planned workouts. I took it easy the day before the 10k.
  • I ran the 10 k race in 1:17 mins. You can see my timing here.That means I shaved off almost 13 minutes from my first 10k in Sep 2012! I also feature amongst the faster average of runners in this race!
  • I still need to up strength training a bit - right now relying on Jillian Micheals Banish fat workout and some free style yoga I do. But am seriously contemplating restarting body pump!
  • For one cross training - I wish I could cycle in the open/ go swimming. But am having to restrict myselfto the elliptical workouts in the gym. Any other ideas doable ideas for cross training?

  • Last week I was fairly relaxed on the food front.
  • I ate many unnecessary sweets and fried snacks in Chennai in the name of the 10k
  • Right now eating is back to normal, but am fighting sugar cravings
  • I went to an ayurveda doc for my stomach issues. Now I have to begin taking the meds!

  • Has been holding in the 75-76 range. How long do you think it will take me to reach the 60s?

You can read

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Chennai Dream Runners 10k - Race Recap

Both the Scientist and I had taken yesterday off, and had an extended weekend in Chennai. Thats why I keep thinking that today is Monday, not Tuesday!

Anyway, we reached Chennai on Saturday afternoon and hired a cab to get home!! We had decided that we'd leave for the packet pick up for the race by about 3 o clock so that we'd be there well on time. But BIL sent the car only at 4 and therefore we were running late. Add to it the bad traffic in Chennai, I was worried that they'd close down the BIB distribution because the website said they'd only be open till 5 p.m. Being unable to reach the Race desk in the hotel where the expo was on the Husband and I were prepared for me to forego the race.Boo!!! Meanwhile - both Chittu and I were running a severe cold and I felt like my head would explode in pain!!

Luckily thanks to the Indian Stadard Time - when we reached they said that the counter would be open till 6 p.m.Whew!!! I had left my id card back home and had another panic attack wondering if they'd refuse to give me the bib and the timing chip! Luck was on my side again and the kind folks at the Chennai Dream Runners Organising Team just gave me my packet without much fuss. Here's a relieved me:

We were going to meet the Scientist's friend -wife & kid at the mall, and so we drove to a new mall of Chennai. We chatted a little as we played bowling, had dinner and headed home. It started raining heavily on our way back and we had to wade through shin deep water to reach home from the curb of the road. I had intended to hit the bed early as the run on Sunday was to begin at 5.30 a.m which meant I had to be at the venue at 5 a.m. which meant we should leave home at 4.30 a.m. Early, is it not for a Sunday? But we reached pretty late and it was 11 by the time I hit the bed!

Again, there was destined to be a mess up in the morning. The taxi I booked landed up at 4.45  a.m. the route map to the start point would not load on the Scientist's phone, and once again, I thought I'd be late for the race! Adding to it, it was also drizzling and I was wondering if the race would be cancelled.

We made it to the race venue after some anxious moments. The Scientist was sweet enough to come along with me and wait as I ran the 10k, leaving a sleeping Chittu back home with FIL. Just before the flag off was announced, FIL called that Chittu had woken up and was crying for us, and it was not even 5.30 a.m. That did add to my worry, but I decided to keep it away!

I had aimed to run the 10k in 75 mins. I finished in 1:17 a personal best. Did I say, Chennai weather wa the most perfect that could have been for a marathon run??

The race itself was well organised. The roads were cordoned off to traffic and volunteers were handing out water bottles at the stations. I grabbed a bottle as I ran and constantly sipped water and kept washing my face.

At the 45 minute mark I had completed a 6k and a bottle of water. I also gulped down some electrolyte water, grabbed another bottle of water and ran along. I was feeling good.  Only I kept needing to pee from almost the beginning of the race. Even though there might have been a bathroom at one of the petrol pumps through which we ran, I chose not to stop for fear of slowing down. The weather was so good and I was feeling awesome. Around the 7 k mark, I slowed down and even took walking breaks as we ran over a flyover. My focus was on finishing on time and even though I really needed to pee, I forged ahead.

As I ran towards the finishing line, I looked out for the Scientist. I have run the fastes I probably ever have in my whole life! Here is me with my medal. I sure am proud of what I did :

 Post run eating went a bit out of control.But back at home, sanity reigns again! Running the 10k was only a part of the half marathon training plan. But my brain wants to still be so happy about it!

The Chennai Dream Runners Update

It was the most marvelous run I've had. The weather Gods of Chennai really showered blessings on us, runners. It rained pretty heavily the previous night. The air felt clean and the city was as cool as it could get. I finished the run in 1:17 which was fairly close to my target of 1:15.

Here is me postrun:

Believe me, the endorphins were kicking even 24 hrs post run. Such is the joy of running!

I will do a more detailed post soon! 

In the meanwhile, The sweet people at Indian Moms Connect have featurned my article on their site. Click here to read it.  The website is a great resource for moms. So head there and leave a few sweet words there, will you?

Friday, July 5, 2013

Chennai Dream Runners 10k - Am I ready?

Race day is almost here. Today was a designated 5.5 k run. But the knees were feeling a little painful, and so I decided to hit the gym and go on the recumbent cycle instead. I knocked off a 10k in 24 minutes :) Fast is it not? I guess that the purpose of the invention of the cycle! So a 10k with far lesser impact on my knee and hip joints. It is for this reason, that I can simply not wait to lay my hand on a good cycle sometime soon.

But I digress. The Dream Runners Chennai 10k is scheduled for Sunday, 5.30 a.m. We leave for Chennai tomorrow morning for packet pick up. I am guessing that the early start should protect us well from the harsh sun in Chennai.

My aim is to run this race in under 75 minutes. We shall see. I have been eating well and hydrating. Also stretching regularly to ease out trouble areas.I am nervous as I always have been before race day. Little butterflies in my stomach hoping nothing awful should happen.

This is going to be my fourth 10k- race. You can see my other pre-race day blog posts by clicking below. Wow!! I can't believe I have come so far. If someone even told me that I'll be doing this three years ago, I would have scoffed at them. May be I can call myself a runner? What do you think?

Do wish me luck. Hopefully I should be back with a good race recap! Meanwhile follow me @Sugarmeltdown on Twitter!

Pre Kaveri Trail Marathon -10-k post
Pre Bangalore Ultra 12.5-k post
Pre Countour Womens Day Run 10-k post


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Half marathon Training - week 2 recap

Getting into week 3 of half marathon training and also ready to tackle the upcoming 10k this weekend.

Highlights of last week's workout:

  • Total mileage last week - 17 kms. That's still lesser than the half marathon distance.
  • Sunday's long run was a designated 6.5k. But I extended and did 7k in preparation of the 10k this weekend. 7k in 58:24!
  • Again all work outs were done. Not one missed.
  • I find that my quads, glutes and hamstrings are engaged when I run. Until now, I only felt the impact of running - knees and below! Now - my thighs have been sore for a week almost!
  • I actually feel like I am running faster & my gait feels better .
  • I do one day of yoga, one day of assorted gym cardio, one day of Jillian Micheals Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, One treadmill run, One road run and One trail run! So far, so good!
  • My workouts get wrapped up in an hour. That should work well. Sunday is long run day and I can give more than one hour on that day!

Highlights of eating:

  • After severe stomach issues such as the one I discussed here, I have added whole grain to every meal - complex carbs from - brown rice, whole wheat, whole grain poha, millets including - ragi, bajra and jowar
  • I  find that when my meals are satiating - i feel the lesser urge to snack!
  • When I run I get hungry - I have added a pre & post workout snack - 2 marie biscuits/ half granola bar, ragi laddoo (recipe soon!), some dates etc
  • I have also added fruit as a evening/ morning snack
  • Overall, my eating is very conscious compared to before. But still there is the ocassion of a rare bite of dessert here and there. Striving towards perfection, though!

Weight update : my weight holds around the 75mark. I'm hoping that the final pounds will melt down with the increased mileage and consistent rigorous exercise.

That's it from me guys! More later!